Theatre Program
Ages 13-17
What is the THYT Theatre Program?
Explore all aspects of theatre and gain hands-on experience in creating and performing plays in our Theatre Program. Workshops, games, and improvisation will help your youth to develop their skills in acting, writing, design, stage management, and backstage crew. With opportunities to work alongside industry professionals from around Alberta, this is the ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure program for young theatre enthusiasts.
Program runs from September to June
Rehearsals every Sunday from 12:00-4:00 and Tuesday from 6:00-8:00
$750.00 (Full Season- Sept to June)
$400.00 (One Term- Sept to Jan or Feb to June)
Performances: January and June
Registration for our Winter/Spring Term is now open. Click the button below to register:​
About Devised Theatre
Devised Theatre is the term often used to describe theatre that is created by a group of individuals. From September to June, participants will go through the process of creating plays from scratch for our January production, and our annual THYT One-Act Festival in June. We do this through a variety of activities and exercises, which can include:
Theatre Games
Working with Professional Playwrights
And Play. We just be silly and see what comes up as a result.
This program is designed to give your youth a Total Theatre Experience. Modern theatre requires a team of people, and the theatre industry rewards those with a diverse set of theatre skills. This program will teach industry standards in theatre creation, which includes acting, writing, directing, stage management, design, and running crew.
This program is led by Albertus Koett