Summer Camps
Open to Youth 9-17
Registration for our August 2025 summer camp will open May 2025

Info on our August 2025 Camp:
Our summer camps are designed to be fun, inclusive, and a safe way to introduce your youth to the world of theatre. From August 12-16, youth will participate in creating a brand new play from scratch, and then performing it for friends and family.
Meeting from 9:00-12:00 at The Scott Block, our camp will be working towards one goal: creating a series of brand new plays to present to an audience, on August 16, at our Season Launch Party. The camp will be split into three age groups (9-10, 11-12, and 13-17), with each coming up with an original play to present to an audience at the end of the week.
Participants will work with professionals from the Alberta theatre industry, as they learn the process of taking an idea and putting it on stage. Participants will be able to take on the roles of actor, playwright, director, designer, and stage manager. All skill levels welcome.
Cost: $175.00
A $100.00 deposit will be required to save your youths place for the camp, and will be due within 10-days of registration. Youth participating in our August 2024 Summer Camp will receive a $75.00 discount on their 2023/24 season fees.