Tree House Youth Theatre proudly presents:
William Shakespeare's
Romeo and Juliet
As adapted by Albertus Koett

Romeo and Juliet
Originally scheduled for live performances in December 2020, we filmed Romeo and Juliet on Zoom, in April 2021. The resiliency and adaptability of our participants has been inspiring. It was amazing to experience filming our production on Zoom, and being connected to participants from across central Alberta. Each actor was given their costumes by our costume designer, Gwendolyn McCagg. Actors needed to find places in their homes that could simulate the various locations around Verona, and to find/make their own props.
All proceeds from streaming of Romeo and Juliet, will go directly towards our 2021/22 season.
We also need to thank Nathan Danser and Kayla Williams for allowing us to use some of their music in our film. Check out their work:
Nathan Danser-
Kayla Williams-
The Shakespeare Sonnet Collective
Compiled and Directed by Trista Mask

The Shakespeare Sonnet Collective
The Shakespeare Sonnet Collective, features our performers between the ages of 9-12, presenting a collection of sonnets, written by William Shakespeare, and compiled and directed by Trista Mask. As with Romeo and Juliet, our sonnet collective was initially planned to be performed in December 2020. We shifted to filming in person, following all AHS guidelines, in April 2021. Like our 13-17 year old participants, our participants aged 9-12 have shown an incredible amount of hard work, dedication, and adaptability.