2023/24 Season Information
Registration is now open for our Winter/Spring Term
Space in each program is limited
Theatre Program
Ages 9-17

Sept. 2024-June 2025
In our Theatre Program, participants will have the opportunity to try out a variety of different areas of theatre, including acting, writing, directing, designing, stage management, and back stage crew roles.
We present two productions every season, one in January and one in June.
Open to central Alberta youth between the ages of 9-17, our Theatre Program puts youth at the centre of each production.
All skill levels welcome!
Homeschool Program
Ages 9-17

Beginning March 2025
Our Homeschool Program runs in 6-week installments between Sept-June. Our programs are designed to teach theatre fundamentals, techniques, and skills across various disciplines of theatre.
Programming will run Tues and Thur afternoons.
Open to youth in central Alberta between the ages of 9-17.
All skills levels welcome!
Ages 9-17

August 2025
Our Summer Camp will focus on creating a one-act festival in one-week. Everything from the script, to the set, props, costumes, lights, sound, and acting will be worked on from in August at The Scott Block in Red Deer.
Open to youth ages 9-17, this camp will allow for opportunities for participants to try acting, writing, directing, stage management, and design.
There will be a public performance of the plays we create at the Scott Block.
All skill levels welcome!